Cannibalism Wins Votes in Finland

Last year Finns voted in local government elections. The ultra-Nationalist Basic Finns Party (this is the verbatim translation of their Finnish name; in their English-language campaign literature they prefer to style themselves The Finns) greatly advanced, making huge inroads into the local governments. Thus, they are hugely popular in Finland at the moment.

A whistleblower blog called Kunnollisvaalit (the local government election is called “kunnallisvaalit” in Finnish, but the name of the blog is a wordplay meaning something like “fair and square election”) showcased the racist writings of the ultra-Nationalists, with such blatant examples as one Amon Rautiainen, who had the brilliant idea to propose that Muslims be cooked for food. However, the whistleblowing attempt misfired. Actually, Rautiainen was voted in thanks to his celebrity status as the cannibal chef.

What does this tell us? At least it shows that cannibalism wins votes in Finland. In most other nations, cannibalism hasn’t been socially acceptable for centuries. Certainly neither in Europe nor in the Middle East. However, Finns accept cannibalism and are indeed happy to vote for a cannibal candidate. This must mean that cannibalism is a widely accepted and cherished practice in Finland, especially if the persons consumed are foreigners. Probably Finns simply see foreigners, not as fellow human beings, but as animals who can be eaten. Whether this is a racial or a cultural characteristic, is of course open to discussion.

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